Modest tower at new location in Milo, Maine

37' of rohn 25 with 13' of mast extending above the tower. A Mosley TA-33 is just above the tower with a homebrew 5el 6M beam above that and a G6 2M vertical at the top. The house bracket is at 17'. Other antennas are a 40M dipole at 50', a 75M inverted Vee with the apex at 50' and a half sloper for 75/160.

Homemade house bracket attaches to the eves of the house, spanning two roof rafters, it is 30" of pressure treated 4X4 with the top cut to slope away from the house with a piece of 1 7/8" Unistrut over that, the unistrut is notched for the tower legs. Another piece of Unistrut (7/8") is run through the tower legs and pulled tight to the house with three 1/2" threaded rods. Inside they go through to a 2X6 and angle iron brace that crosses 3 studs. Shown below at two stages of completion.

Tower is in a 42" hole with five 80 pound bags of concrete mix then covered with dirt. I've never had a tower up long enough to rust, and this way I can cut it off below grade and leave no signs behind.

Former tower in Gorham, Maine